Dam: Buidhe Deja Vou Ebbie

Sire: Gd Ch Jolen Fatal Attraction

Litter born 24 - 10 - 2011
Boy 130 gms
Girl 115 gms
Boy 136 gms
Girl 110 gms
Growing up fast 4 days old
Boy 130 gms
Girl 115 gms
Boy 136 gms
Girl 110 gms
Stacks on the mill, 2 weeks old
Boy 1
Girl 1
Boy 2
Girl 2
The world looks
great and Mum
is lovely, she
feeds us well.
Ebbies babies are beautiful at 4 weeks
Getting a bit
over all the
pictures just
want to sleep.
The 2 boys
7 weeks
The 2 girls
7 weeks
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